
In search of George Eliot

On Tuesday 8th November Year 7, accompanied by Ms Jarrett and Mr Bath, went on a trip to Nuneaton. The students are currently studying ‘Silas Marner’ which was written by Nuneaton’s famous author, George Eliot. The first stop on the tour was the town’s library where students were able to gather information about the writer and see some old but well-preserved copies of her novels, including a 1907 copy of Silas Marner.

After walking through the town to view the statue of George Eliot, the next stop was The George Eliot Gardens where we laid a wreath on the Memorial and took photos before moving into the Museum and Art Gallery. There were many items in the museum which illustrated Eliot’s life and the students found the wax model of her hand most interesting!

The students were impeccably behaved and were complimented several times, as we walked through the town, on how smart they looked.