Congratulations!!! Fantastic work Mumta!

Congratulations!!! Fantastic work Mumta!
We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at Pattison College have been awarded an Eco-Schools Green Flag. We reviewed your application and noted the following:
We really liked your action-focussed and practical approach to Eco Committee meetings. Your minutes were clear and concise. It’s a productive way to work and yielded great results. We like the work you have done on your Environmental Review, especially the notes at the bottom. We love that young people on your Eco-Committee were given the chance to complete the Environmental Plan template as Eco-Schools is all about empowering young people! We love that you went litter-picking as part of your Eco-Schools work.
Litter-picking is fun, impactful, protects wildlife and improves local communities – as part of Keep Britain Tidy, it’s one of the Eco-Schools Team’s favourite activities. We’re really impressed at how you’ve linked environmental issues to such a wide variety of curriculum areas. This approach looks at the big issue of climate change in a holistic way, which is the best approach to understanding and appreciating the enormity of the issue. Great work!
We would have loved to see some of the children’s work to support this. Your Eco-Board is a great celebration of your Eco-Committee, taking the time to display members so professionally is one of those little touches that will improve their confidence and esteem and make their hard work feel valued. The parent quote is a great testament to the work that you are doing with your Eco-Committee, that they are taking their Eco-Schools work home with them and getting their families on board is something to be proud of.
Your school is now recycling more than ever and this is because of the hard work and passion of your Eco-Committee – Massive well done on changing your waste management company to one who are carbon neutral. We love you potato pictures, this is a really easy fun activity for the children, who got to eat the spuds?? We thought your Eco-Code was brilliant! It was punchy and really creative, setting out tangible and accessible calls to action your whole school can get behind! Well done on the Bonus Impact Questions!
Overall, this is a terrific application and a great year’s work. The Eco Committee and the entire school should feel very proud. The Eco-Schools team is delighted to award you an Eco-Schools Green Flag