Easter Celebrations
What a lovely start to Easter. Tuesday began with a delightful assembly about Easter taken by Dr Noel Phillips, the Curate at Stoke St Michael Church. Best of all for Year 11 he gave the chocolate egg, chick. lambs etc to them to help them recover from the stress of revising for GCSEs.
Thank you so much to everyone who came to support the Prep School children at their Easter celebration and to the staff for making it happen. What a superb afternoon. Congratulations to everyone on the imaginative creations be they chocolate eggs, Easter bonnets, masks or poems. The prizes were won by:
Poems: Zahra, Lucia-May, Mia, Sophia, Poppy, Abigail, Luchia.
Eggs: Madi, Zahra, Arabella, Maanvi, Rowan, Abigail, Jamie, Mr Cunningham
Easter Hats: Andreea, Joshua M, Flora-May, Rhea, Fenton, Meghan, Annabelle, Adele
A big thank you to Mrs Corinne Spencer, the Chair of the Gosford Park Residents Association, for being brave enough to judge the various competitions! To the PTFA for organising the refreshments and the prizes and to our Year 10 pupils for organising activities for the children whilst raising funds for their House charities.