Harvest Festival
On Tuesday, we had our Harvest Festival assembly for the whole school. We welcomed Reverends Claire and Dan from our local church, Stoke St. Michael’s, who led the assembly with a lovely adaptation of The Hungry Caterpillar. The choir sang, “we plough the fields and scatter”, the traditional harvest hymn and everyone reflected about how fortunate they are compared to many people, even in Coventry. This vast array of food – and a huge thank you to all parents who donated in these difficult times – covered a very large table and the space below it, ready to be taken to Coventry Food Bank. Far too many people are having to rely on foodbanks at the moment, and your generosity will help many families to receive some foodstuffs we take for granted. The Head Girl and the two Deputy Head Girls accompanied the Head to the foodbank centre and helped bring the food in, ready for further distribution.
One of the real bonuses of the food collection was going to Coventry Food Bank at Halo House, and seeing, at first hand, the work they do there and how the food is distributed. In a vast warehouse there are rows of foods, neatly stacked, ready to be sorted into parcels to go out to those in need across the city. Our contribution was just short of 130 kilos of food, which will help hugely when you take into account that the centre distributes about 300 kilos a month.