Senior School

Children enter the Senior School at the age of 11 and follow courses based on the National Curriculum which lead to G.C.S.E. examinations in the following traditional 8 subjects as well as BTEC in IT:

  • English Language
  • English Literature
  • Mathematics
  • Combined Science (double award)
  • French
  • History
  • Geography

Non-examination subjects include Art (until Year 10), RE, PSHEE, Citizenship and Music.

Homework is set regularly and is an important part of a pupil’s education, developing the ability to study independently. Parents are asked to check and signed the homework diary, at least once a week. A classroom is available in After-School Care for study.

Assessment and Reporting in the Senior School

Pupils’ work is marked and assessed on a regular basis. Examinations for Years 7, 8 and 9 take place in the Summer Term. Years 10 and 11 have exams twice a year.

There are four opportunities for formal contact with parents: two Parents’ Evenings and two reports, one of which is an interim report in the Autumn Term for Years 7 – 9. Parents can contact the Head or their child’s class teacher at any time if they have any concerns as we like to have an open-door policy at all times.

"During our daughter's time at Pattison, staff were most kind in supporting her, helping her progress, and helping her prepare for exams. In consideration of her starting point and the relatively short time at Pattison her progress and achievements are remarkable"
Year 11 parent