Senior School
Children enter the Senior School at the age of 11 and follow courses based on the National Curriculum which lead to G.C.S.E. examinations in the following traditional 8 subjects as well as BTEC in IT:
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics
- Combined Science (double award)
- French
- History
- Geography
Non-examination subjects include Art (until Year 10), RE, PSHEE, Citizenship and Music.
Homework is set regularly and is an important part of a pupil’s education, developing the ability to study independently. Parents are asked to check and signed the homework diary, at least once a week. A classroom is available in After-School Care for study.
Assessment and Reporting in the Senior School
Pupils’ work is marked and assessed on a regular basis. Examinations for Years 7, 8 and 9 take place in the Summer Term. Years 10 and 11 have exams twice a year.
There are four opportunities for formal contact with parents: two Parents’ Evenings and two reports, one of which is an interim report in the Autumn Term for Years 7 – 9. Parents can contact the Head or their child’s class teacher at any time if they have any concerns as we like to have an open-door policy at all times.