
About Drama

The children at Pattisons are taught using the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art syllabus.  They are the largest Speech and Drama awarding body in the United Kingdom. They have a reputation of excellence across the world.  The syllabus offers an opportunity for creative expression in an enjoyable and non-threatening environment.

Work is organised by long term plan that allocates work for each year group.

The QCA (English) scheme of work is adapted to fit with the desired learning outcome, and to meet with the needs of the children.

A cross-curricular approach is achieved by planning in links with other subjects.

Pupils have the opportunity to show their developing skills by participating as appropriate in the following:

  • The Coventry / Nuneaton & Leamington Festivals of Speech and Drama.
  • K.S.I. / K.S2  Christmas Production.
  • Assemblies.
  • Whole school productions.
  • Church Carol Concert.
  • Prize Giving Evening.
  • Drama Showcase Evening.
  • L.A.M.D.A. Examination Session.  (Two sessions each year at school. Area session once a term also available.)