PTFA Hamper Raffle
This is such a lovely time of year in the school with so many exciting things happening but due to social distancing rules we will not be able to hold our traditional Christmas Fair this year. Instead we are focussing fundraising through the raffle with all proceeds going towards extra events and activities for benefit of all the children at the school.
With your support we are looking to continue the success of the annual PTFA Christmas Hamper Raffle, with a first prize of a Luxury Christmas Hamper worth over £75 going to the lucky winner.
Hampers up for grabs in this year’s raffle include…
- Luxury Christmas Hamper – worth over £75
- Arts and Crafts Hamper
- Pamper Hamper
- Movie Night Hamper
- Sweet Treats Hamper
- Luxury Chocolate and Biscuits Hamper
Pupils have each been given 20 tickets for the raffle, which we very much hope parents will sell to family and friends.
All pupils who sell more than £30 worth of tickets will be entered into a draw for a £20 voucher. Extra tickets are available from your child’s form teacher.
Could all ticket stubs and money be returned by Monday 7 December ready for a live draw on our PTFA Facebook page
( on Wednesday 9 December at 7pm.
Thank you in advance, we greatly appreciate your support.
Pattison College PTFA Committee